Unlock the World with Location Spoofing

Discover how to change your geographic location to anywhere in the world with our Auto Swiper extension, enabling connections in new cities, countries, and cultures directly from your browser.

Location Spoofing Overview
Overview of Automatic Page Reloading Feature

Benefits of Swiping from Different Locations

Planning for Future Trips

Connect with locals in areas you plan to visit for insights, friendships, and travel tips.

Global Networking

Expand your global network by meeting people from various cultural backgrounds, perfect for language learners and cultural enthusiasts.

Exploring New Areas Virtually

Use Location Spoofing to scout new places virtually, getting a feel for the city before your travels.

How to Use Location Spoofing

  1. Open the Auto Swiper Extension: Access the extension by clicking its icon in your browser toolbar.
  2. Navigate to Options: Open the Options menu to locate Location Spoofing controls.
  3. Select Your New Location:
    • By City Name: Type in a city name to automatically adjust your location.
    • By Coordinates: Enter longitude and latitude for precise location targeting.
    • By Clicking on the Map: Pick a new location by clicking on the interactive map.

The World at Your Fingertips

Explore the freedom and possibilities that Location Spoofing offers. Connect, explore, and enjoy a global swiping experience.